Columbia County, OR – If you have been searching for a job or a new career, you will want to join us at the Columbia County Job Fair on April 6th, 2018 from 10:00 -3:00 PM Columbia City Community Hall 1840 2nd Street, Columbia City, OR to meet employers who want to help you get a job either locally or regionally. This event will open early at 9:00 AM for an hour for Veterans Only.
Keep It Local Columbia County along with media sponsor, KOHI 1600 AM, will host the upcoming Columbia County Job Fair. If you are seeking a job, please dress for success and bring your resume. KOHI 1600 AM will be broadcasting live at the event to provide vendors a chance to share on the radio what they do and who they are looking to hire. Please follow the Keep it Local Columbia County Facebook Page for updates on this event such as vendors and other potential opportunities for job seekers. Keep It Local Columbia County committee believes in helping our communities thrive hiring locally is one way to do that. If you need a ride, you can take the CC Ryder to Columbia City. it’s about ½ mile from the bus stop making it easy to get to and from the event.
Marty Rowe, KOHI owner, has been putting this event on for the past twelve years with the help of former Worksource Employees. He reached out to Keep it Local CC Director, Natasha Parvey, who attended the event last year to pitch the idea as a fundraiser for Keep it Local Columbia County Programs. Natasha mentioned, “I felt like it was a perfect fit to promote local businesses and provide a resource to citizens. It gives us an opportunity to connect the dots. Putting resources in one spot helps employees who want to work and getting people to work only helps strengthen our local economy creating economic vitality.” Marty Rowe who has a passion for Columbia County felt strongly that the event should continue not only because over 300 potential employees that attended last year but he shared, “There is a need for communication between job seekers and local employers that is not getting met and so that is why I wanted to keep it alive. We did it for 12 years. ”
Have a business that is hiring? Join us at the only Columbia County Job Fair. Space is limited and sold at first come first serve. You can download Vendor Application Job Fair 2018 to secure your opportunity to meet over 300 employees. #jobs #careeers #columbiacountyjobs